Hjelmeland located in the heart of Ryfylke, and is a good municipality to live and live in. Hjelmeland has an extensive service provision of high quality. There are four schools and five kindergartens in the municipality.
It is pleasing to note that more and more will spend holidays and leisure in nature municipality Hjelmeland, but we always have room for more residents: There's plenty of attractive bustadtomter in all villages and hamlets.
Hjelmeland has a varied and diverse sector, where agricultural, aquaculture and tourism are the main industries. Here reigns optimism and faith in the future!
In Hjelmeland has me also a rich and varied cultural life, so here it should be possible to finding leisure activities and arrangements suitable for most people.
In Hjelmeand add me great emphasis on giving further positive developments through even stronger commitment to service activities and services, communications and business development singlets.
Hjelmeland tariffs particularly in facilitating young people and young families will settle with us. This - together with other priority areas and targeted measures - will build up in our vision: Hjelmeland naturally,